Event: Sustainable Luxury Academy

Wednesday, October 11th, 2017, Milan, join us for a hands-on workshop, as working together and sharing ideas is the best way to
create the roadmap to overcome such big challenges, embrace growth and drive collaboration.

Sustainable Luxury Academy was launched at Politecnico di Milano on June 15th, 2017. Opinion leaders acknowledged that luxury companies needed to adjust their existing strategies to embark on sustainability. However, insufficient knowledge, poor commitment, supply chain complexity, short-term goals and operational costs hinder sustainability integration. To this end, Sustainable Luxury Academy organizes its second workshop to jointly develop an action plan, and start seeding collaborations across the industry to make “Responsible Luxury ” happen.

Wednesday, October 11th, 2017
Politecnico di Milano, Department of Management, Economics & Industrial Engineering
Via Lambruschini 4/B - 20156, Milan - Italy

Alessandro Brun alessandro.brun@polimi.it
Hakan Karaosman hakan.karaosman@polimi.it

Please apply to this survey in order to help us increasing our results, and develop our research. Your cooperation would be very much appreciated.

Download the .pdf invitation in Download section


Invitation Sustainable Luxury Academy